Truck Driver Training Brisbane

Global Driver Training provides high quality, comprehensive professional truck driver training to thousands of students. We believe you learn to drive by driving, not watching and will focus on you. We value our students, their safety and their training and do not compromise this to save money by training several students in a truck. Your training is too important for us.

Observation time simply means that students sit in the truck and watch each other drive. Trucking schools often do this to cut their own costs and artificially inflate the total hours of behind the wheel training, most of which are not student driving. We believe observation time offers minimal instructional value.

Truck Driver Training Information

Courses for all truck driver training or heavy vehicle categories are tailored to suit the customer’s needs and time frames. We can prepare students for the competent, safe and efficient operation of a truck so they can obtain a heavy vehicle licence. Our truck driver training in Brisbane is run by a team of patient and experienced trainers.
All courses are conducted from our location or off-site depending on the needs of the client.


The areas covered in our On-Road truck driver training are:

  • Acceleration.
  • Gear changing: up and down.
  • Lanes – keeping trucks on curves, turns and travelling straight.
  • Turning signal application and cancellation when turning, merging and lane changing.
  • Smooth brake application and correct braking distance.
  • Distance judgement when giving way.
  • Positioning when turning.
  • Control and maintaining vehicle speed.
  • Observe the traffic by using mirrors.
  • Use of mirrors during a turn.
  • Before changing lanes, use mirrors.
  • Looking for all other traffic before entering intersections.
  • Defensive driving: Identify unexpected traffic or road situations and react appropriately.

The areas covered in our Off-Road truck driver training are:

  • Reversing safely with skill.
    1. Offset Reverse.
    2. 70m Straight Reverse.
  • Load Restraint.
  • Cabin Drill.
  • Pre-operational Checks.
  • Incline start.
  • Curbside entry and exit.

For customers who cannot afford the time off or the upfront costs of all scheduled courses, We offer competency based truck driver training on an individual basis. Courses are run from Monday to Saturday. Please check with our office for availability and start times on (07) 3423 3395 or 0478 163 800.

Truck Driver Training | Light Rigid

Truck Driver Training | Medium Rigid


Truck Driver Training | Heavy Combination

Truck Driver Training | Multi Combination

Road Rules

In test assessment, check the knowledge of the current road rules and our instructors will teach you how to drive a heavy vehicle, but it is up to you to know the road rules. You can obtain a copy of the rules from the Department of Transport Booklet. You can be obtained from your nearest Licensing Department or check on Department of Transport & Main Roads.